Good Chemistry Well Delivered
Exim-Indis offers complete sourcing solutions for your every chemical need. Our worldwide sourcing group is ready to help you. We work as an extension of your organization and partner with you in getting what you want, rather than selling what we have.
Global Sourcing
Wordldwide Cost Effective Solutions
Worldwide Cost Effective Solutions
- Three decades of experience.
- Worldwide manufacturing partnerships
- Single point of contact.
- Mg to MT.
- Broad industry focus.
In-house Global Shipping Expertise
In-House Global Shipping Expertise
In-House Global Shipping Expertise
Read More - Source to client coverage
- Local and international knowledge
- In-house expertise
- Effective information management
- Product Traceability
Local Warehousing
Local Delivery from Worldwide Locations
Local Delivery from Worldwide Locations
- Customer centric locations
- 4 US warehouses
- 2 European warehouses
- 4 Indian warehouses
Custom Synthesis
Proven Development Partners
Proven Synthesis Partners
- Vetted chemistry partners
- Organic and inorganic
- Process development
- Process improvement
- Development and commercial scale
Conversant in Local and Global Regulations
Conversant in Local and Global Regulations
- In-house expertise.
- Country specific knowledge
- Pre/Post Production audits
- Vetted suppliers.
Broad Range of Chemistry Resources
Broad Range of Chemistry Resources
- Worldwide partner network.
- Process development
- Process optimization
- Analytical development
- Impurity standards synthesis
Exim-Indis Inc.
Good Chemistry Well Delivered!
The Right Source makes all the Difference!
Not just our slogans but also our guiding principles.
All of our worldwide offices contain experts in local and international logistics.
Effective information management helps us ensure that we meet the logistics needs
& overall supply chain management of our customers